"When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses, for art establishes the basic human truths which must serve as the touchstone of our judgment." - John F. Kennedy

Thanks for finding me. This is a fairly random sampling of my poetic rumblings beginning in the mid-70s to present day. Not definitive or complete, just things that struck me again for one reason or another on revisiting. There are a couple of previously published collections here which might be good places to start if you are diving in blind from the precipice.

Try the collections MEET THE BEATS or GLIMMERING RAY DUET (both archived in June 2008 in the menu below right) for starters if you are so inclined...

As of 2016, I will be publishing my song lyrics on a seperate page from the more poetic scribblings here. Pieces that first appeared here and then later were arranged for music will remain here in their original form but may appear edited on the lyric page. Check out the links section for the original song blog.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Poems 1996

Lucky Stars
9:30 am
See Spot Run
At Odd Times
Get Me Outta / Into Here
My Sadness
Es Per Rondo
Two Poets Circle A Rose
The Lock-Up
The Silent Treatment

Dedicated to Katie and Nicky for rekindling the fire
And bringing poetry back into my life

To read each individual poem click on it's title above or in the archive menu at right. 

The following 17 poems (indexed above) are from the collection
GLIMMERING RAY DUET (c) 1996 Brad Riesau

To read each individual poem click on it's title above or in the archive menu at right.

Lucky Stars

We found each other
Lucky stars
Shooting 'cross a Western sky
Two burning planets

- 2/14/96


I want to tell the world...
some twisted
obsessive preacher
shave my head, perhaps
haunt airports
mountain tops
soapbox megaphone
bicycle door-to-door
sell roses on street corners.

Spread the light
Glimmering ray duet
flickering spark
Scintillating flame
Streams of glowing brilliancy
glint of starlit sparkle
Dazzling, phosphorescent
Resplendent, glorious radiance
Luminous, electric

Stopping at her eyes
I'm hopeless
a goner.

- 5/7/96


Your love
Intoxicating. Addictive
it's ease, simplicity
of expression
Engulfs my decaying splendor
As a fog-bound dawn
The first, insistent rays
of morning.

The coming day
Eventually resplendent
Born of dramatic chiaroscuro

The portentous song
The whispering morning dove
angelic eyes
to life.

To be your waking vision
to be

- 5/7/96


Cloudy canopy stills the air
A pre-burst calming
of the ardent elements.
You are my illustrious blanket.
Enveloping my frail perception
my tenuous resolve
Cuddling my fragile intensity
Nurturing my delicate candor.

I want to stitch a cloak
From your vigorous passion
Cobble boots
from your streamlined vitality
Fashion my costume
from the millinery
of your spontaneous tenderness.
To wear your giving nature
for all to see
Next to my skin
and illuminating my being
A talisman of considerable
and grace.

- 5/7/96

See Spot Run

Little empty spot
Filled to the brim with nothing
Sounds, dull & lifeless
Face, a stone wall stare.
Tight little doors
Slam open and, shit,
Giftless holiday jeer.

"Hang ten, Cowboy.
One ain't enough."
Is there a point to this avoidance
Or just a slap in the gut?
Too deep to know
Too slow to creep on out of here
out of mind
out of touch
out of my league.

- 6/6/96 troc


you are me
jealousy beckons me
toward the strength
of your fragile ego
the embrace
of your outstretched friendship
the cool,
musky scent
of your love for her.

the catalyst
the muse
passionate vehicle
exposing my buried self-confidence
bruising my ticking clock
like a mirror
of when I was you.

I became
with the wildcat
of my inner
the world's mystery and newness,
apocalyptic tumbling
over ass
dealt a daily blow
to what I considered reality...
I was convinced the world was my canvas
that my SPIRIT
my eyes
my liberal soul
would chase down the devil's dragons
beat them into fiery oblivion
with passion
and beautiful
caring Heart.

My fingertips touched
everything --


to drink wine
on a marble statue of some
pioneering immigrant
who made the wild
wilderness of San Francisco
for legions of thrill-seeking
for all times to come.

I sat
with one of few angels
who have graced my intellect,
my battered soul
my racing heart
with instant
timeless understanding.

We drank
We cried
We drank
watched twinkling ships
turn to stars
dotting the pre-fog horizon
touched each other's skin
with laughing breath
drying the tears
with dreams.

I'd go away and scribble down
though heartfelt
mirrors of my tortured love
of my naive fears
of open,
thrilled eyes

when I was you.

-- 6/20/96 fat rick's
for nicky galasso



nemesis to himself
foisting drill-press limitation
guilt by disassociation
fire line discombobulation
on one's own psyche.

not particularly healthy
non-controllable, weirdly osmotic
chemical reaction to heart's conundrums;
not conducive to positive growth potential.
lose the diagnosis
...race for the cure.


there has not been a day
without tears
glacial trickle > ocean roar
record setting, soaking pearls
of rejected anger, mists of acceptance
beauty's reflected appreciation
longing’s widening, leaking fissure)
raining for 49 humid days
dark, ebony nights.
after 15 years of drought,
thirsting for tear's acknowledgment
of some dab of emotion left floating inside,
the partched earth
rock solid
like my stupidity
my rigorous, inflexible blinders
the spidery flawed face of the self-loathing mirror
turned shamefully to the wall.
Barely a smidgen of moisture crept through.
But what did seeped into the cracked weaknesses
of my hardened self-hatred
created rivulets of hope
positive flow

(beneath the surface,
waterways tinged of reminiscence
just navigable
in the eerie inner darkness,
the memory of passionate language of thought
toward that light)


my face
flushes briefly with the warmth...
stopping breath
only to slip further away
always, unexplainably out of her grasp
always mysteriously in reach
always for that warm glimmer
upon my saddened brow.

the light
she silently calls out
whispering my given name
singing the word "beautiful"
softly on my every breath.

a darker reality
than the soul can bear.


time cradles light like a fragile child
sneering menacingly at the baby's face
calling its hand.
full of love, sustenance and compassion
the light's radiant smile
briefly tickles time's chin
only to dim
in it's powerful stare.

-- 6/23/96

SPIGOT was also published in an early version in the poetry zine, A Hindu, A Buddhist & A Lion Tamer #2 (Folcroft, PA 1996). That early version also made an appearance in the poetry zine, The Children of the Light, Vol. 1 published in Hockessin, DE in Summer 1997. The earlier version can be found here in a blog listing called MORE EARLY PUBLISHED WORK from March 23, 2010.

At Odd Times

at odd times my jagged image
my silly disposition
my soft words drift into your mind
with decreasing frequency

at odd times your luxurious being
your shadow love
your soft touch slips out of my mind
for the most frightening of moments
I've forgotten about you.
like some reassuring rain cloud
filled with potential thunderclaps
threatening downpours
possible springtime thaw and blossoming seed
the bloom of our short season of growth --
gone for the most sub-divided of seconds
and then
you return.
to define each flickering moment
like the scent defines the rose.

-- 5/96

Get Me Outta/Into Here

he only wants to be a ghost
observe but not be seen
a moment to be left alone
oh, such a frightening thing.
he only wants to be embraced
by everyone he meets
to make his mark, an egotist
a legend on the streets.

to burn all of the telephones
all books and magazines
tell no one your secret name
or any other things.
save it all up, held inside
or maybe on this page.
keep it deep, all bottled up
and never act your rage.

or else you might just change your tune
and open up your heart
and let that person rise in you
t'was there right from the start.
write shitty songs and poetry
that tears apart your soul
and if you really can't resist
it just might make you whole.

- 6/24/96 possible lyric??


against the sun
steel glimmer fading fast
whose time has come
whose time was in the past
who changed the nation's face
shrinking large from vast
whose labored beds built from blood & sweat
men from harsher worlds worked harder still and yet
transport the myth, the gold, the crop, the seed
the legend of the West, the locomotive steed
lull me to sleep,
the click commits the clack
infect my dreams
where, never coming back
rode the hips of hills
the stockyards. Neal and Jack.
glisten in the blazing sun
whistle in the rain
away from here we run
...freedom on the train.

- 7/1/96 4:10-4:12 PM on the Express train to NYC from Wilmington

RAILS was also published in the poetry zine, A Hindu, A Buddhist & A Lion Tamer #2 (Folcroft, PA 1996)



as the air...
a graceful flower of sustenance
filled with the spring of youth
morning's fresh cut grass
breathing traces of the damp night
lingering around my shoulders
haunting me with her presence


lulling railroad lullabies
sing one name
over and over and over the miles
I begin to recognize its whisper
there, just beneath the chatter.
at first
my self-congratulatory ego
heard my blighted name
"Call me to the journey
to the rail's seductive whistle"

No...it is something more beautiful
simple and
destined to twist my future perceptions
of sound:
a mantra, litany, confessional
temptation of light.
and again
I taste your coaxing name in my ears.



~ 7/1/96 en route to NYC on the train

my sadness

To hold your reassuring flesh against me
My sad, weary head trembling at your breast
The forgiving beat of your tender, impassioned heart
Singing its tolerance
It's racing, spontaneous fire
Melting my icy soul's extinct veneer
To molten, liquid teardrops.

Teardrops that carry my timeless love
My tortured ecstasy
My unrequited, magnificent halting of all thought
But of your otherworldly beauty
Down my ancient, ravaged face; forest of frown
Past neglected, pulsing neckline
Forming a thin, sad layer between our flesh...
Teardrops lick your delicate nipple as they fall
Tickle, caress -- leaving that sweet, pink angel
Awaiting the next, wet kiss
Falling down to grace the majesty of your stomach
Puddling to overflowing,
Until my tears mingle with your excitement
Pulling the last of my sadness
Momentarily out of my reach.

Take my sadness into you
As a token of my heart's infinite longing
As a reminder of the power of your miraculous love
As a tribute to the perfection of our meeting
A remembrance of the cruelty
And beauty
of fate.

I give you my sadness:
Absorb its tenderness, its sensitivity,
Its honest faith
Trust and limitless dedication;
Discard its pain, fury and restlessness.
Take my sadness in all its depth
In all its unbounded joy for what could have been
Had not time's desperate hand
Made fools of us all.

Hold my sadness to your naked breast
Its memory will comfort you always,
As my heart lies within it
clutching onto your angelic grace.

~ Cape May Point, 7/3/96


for Paulette.


She sat on the piano bench
Holding court
The memory hazy but for the falling



Suspicion reigned on her brow
Perfunctory "Hello"
Was I here to steal their boy?
Who was this macho-jock-surf hippy
Traveling incognito with their Carlitos?

Joanne talked of massaging your stomach in a clockwise motion as to better facilitate shitting. "Works every time," she said.
No b.s. this one (Pun up-ended).
He showed me the view from this precarious perch on Twin Peaks. Wide. Bright and vast.
In the undulating heat waves on the window glass
the hills of San Francisco, City of Dreams, moved
like the shimmering bay in the distance... Waves of Victorian edge and psychedelic color. I turned and in the dim unlit room
saw her move out of the corner of my eye
The memory of the decor, the ambiance, the passing of time is hazy but for the falling
Earth .


You broke a rule, a confidence.
The Seal of Approval,
The Panel of Experts was not consulted.
The sacred text opened and in the bob and weave of the road's
playful twisting he offered you a glimpse into my creative heart.
By chance
By fate's kind grace
Pages turned as if by themselves
revealing two women, embracing.
Hazy, art-y, naked.
Your eyes stopped and scanned the red ink handsomely caressing the edge of the photocard. You saw your name. You saw her name.
You saw my knowledge and acceptance and sensitive attraction
To the beauty of your love for each other.
"A-ha...so he's not scouting for Carlitos
He's watching me. He's attracted to me. He's taken by me...
I guess he might not be so bad after all."
Your innate curiosity was tickled
Your cynicism on call.
Your face, eyes, voice, statuesque beauty,
aura, flora, fauna, (do ya wanna?)
etched into my cells for life since the moment I saw you
sitting on the piano bench
holding court
tho' the rest of the details of that fateful moment, like
this road to Stinson beach, are hazy but for the falling
Of The Earth.


Picnic. Camera. Dune grass
waves us in for a landing.
Sun bright, "Californian, like us," he said.
Our quartet sitting cross-legged in the sand.
She, sarcastic and funny full of mischief.
He, open, naive and trusting
Excited and trepidatious at the same time
And you
Suddenly curious and careful
but pushing the envelope that lies between the two
its glue wet and ready to seal
or not.

I shot you with a fork in your mouth
Lips pursed, no smile...not my best camera work, no doubt,
But those eyes --
Staring straight into me
Dead serious
Like a vow, a four-alarm fire.
You pulled me aside
away from the others.

"Let's walk..."

you said, for the first of many times to come.
A frequent signal
of a special, connective moment
just around the corner,
down the stairs...but the memory is hazy, gleaned from old photographs and the passionate re-telling of the tale
but for the Falling
Of The


We walked toward the Pacific.
Verdant, grassy roller-coaster hills challenge our vision
In a race to the churning drama of the sea
As if the drought's powerful hold on their rolling existence
Meant not near as much as the exhilaration of the fall to mother ocean.
"At least I'm enjoying the ride" goes the song,
not yet written here in 1977.
Gray, foaming brine, so distant
So unrepresentative of our young, focused, searching minds.
Our identification with the sea's battering, relentless, insistence...
Its violent, upheaval of all solid matter...
Its mirror's opaque stare, chipping away at time's handiwork
wouldn't wash over us 'til much later in our lives.
For now, the sea was playful, pretty and vastly intriguing.

For now, I became that hill
Tam's hips giving in to gravity.
Gravity = fun, a playful force. Apples and such. Cosmic balance.
Without gravity, Flight = boredom.
For each slow, rising climb there followed an instant of inertia Followed by a swift, giddy decline
A breath at the bottom as the speed sucks in its stomach for the next
Lesser rise...
Only to plunge joyously down, faster
With each dip and gully and mound and...
overhead the treacherously deep, serious blue of the sky
Smiled upon my heart a billowy kaleidoscope of acceptance.

The moment spread before me
diffusing time into something not to be conquered or feared
So deliciously ornate and uncluttered
Molasses on granite
Crawling up out of the cracks of the unimpressed stone
Widening our view, buffering our remedies
Scaling peaks we've yet approached.
Time -- a big, forgiving roving pick-up band of starving mariachis
Playing harmonized counter-point:
Two melodies, one spontaneous purr...
Your voice pulls my unfocused eyes from the horizon's indifference
Though the memory of your words is hazy but for the falling
Away Of The Earth.


Carlitos called in a panic
"You must come out here tonight. She called.
We're celebrating her birthday and she wants to get together with you.
Aren't you excited?" he gushed as I pulled the skin I'd just jumped out of
back on over my head.
She arrived just after I did and our eyes met. It wasn't a spark really that I saw, just something indescribably familiar...irresistibly comfortable...I fell into her spell like a hypnotist's show dog. Easy mark.
Our words danced around each other like moths fully cognizant of the implications of a flame this bright. Carlitos fluttered around us like a proud Mama chattering about his refried beans and folding together burritos with fresh Spinach from his garden while our energies folded together with fresh panache from our candid pantries. We ate and I tasted her interest and prayed she tasted my eager exhilaration.
As I swirled her questioning gaze
over my taste buds for a brief moment longer
the door flew open and St. Theresa Nightingale flew in
on the fragrant breeze breaking our concentration with a cloud of sparkling wrap-around joy. Our private feast was over. Dessert would be served 14 miles west as I sat stunned and interrupted in my reverie.

-- The kitchen of this tiny bayside apartment
was filled to bursting with laughing
beautifully enticing women
none of whom had a pinch of interest in the two men
sitting in the living room adjacent.
Their camaraderie and attentions were reserved for each other
and he and I sat and talked for hours.
Saving the world.
Planning our destinies.
Soliloquies of beauty and madness and youth and passionate confusion.
Of course, I heard not a word that either of us spoke.
Even the turntable's repetitive caress of the same side of this record
Gato Barbieri's caliente tenor lines
blowing sensuous Latin tones into the air
over and over again
went in one ear and out the toe.
My mind was on the kitchen doorway.
She sat, her long legs folded under her on the straight-backed chair
Laughing, talking, glancing every few seconds
out into the room
where my eyes were always waiting for hers.
We spent 3 hours looking at each other
through the bustling haze of swirling conversation around us
talking with our eyes, catching up on way-old times
times even we didn't recall,
lives we could only surmise had been shared between the ancient relatives of these two pair of eyes.

Suddenly, she stood, walked to me as my flesh tingled
-- My heart beat like a Buddy Rich coronary test pattern
"Let's walk..."

We got as far as the bottom of the stairs
She turned and put her long fingers on my arm
She told me that the woman that she loved
Was the only woman she had loved
That she liked men
That she really liked men
That she liked what was going on between us
That she wanted me to know where she stood
That she wanted me to know that she was very much
very sure that she very much
would like to get to know me better
She called me "Bradley" and I think we walked back up the stairs
to an old-boyfriend/"coming-over-tomorrow-may-be-better" party
but of this
my memory is hazy but for the falling


My thoughts of her
rose with me in the mornings that followed
Carried me through classes blunting my tired stupors with smiling
Ate meals alongside me
Followed me to movies ("cheap date")
Rang their presence around every chiming note of music I heard
Every bit of conversation, every smile and every breath...
My vocabulary increased incrementally by the amount of time I spent in her presence --
reincarnation, inhibition, fascination, imperfection,
unrequited, reunited, love-at-first-sighted...

I lay in a small room off Clayton Street back porch
and wrote a poem, striving to live up to my misguided poetic yearnings
-- in the dawn's light I heard the magnificent whisper
of their lips meeting
the lovers' embrace
and I wrote of an ant carrying two purple flower petals
from under the door
past me and into your room...
an offering.
I wanted to crawl in right behind him
and luxuriate in the light of your love for each other.
But, I was me...hard to believe
and turned to the other door
silently watching the morning's charm
wink at me
thru the frosted glass
some unknown secret slinking off with the comforting fog
adrift in worlds it would not be my calling to render apart.

We haunted bookstores and restaurants and bars
falling into each others' confidence and trust
with an agile grace not known to either of us before.
With a speed and depth that would have caused
nosebleeds and conniptions and screaming hallucinogenic visions
to lesser humans.
There we were in our invincibility
Our connected, directed, reflected strength
Shivering like babies,
like hairless ducklings sliding on ice
quacking on about fear
as if we couldn't have saved the world
if we'd been able to see past our new roses.

Other than the vision of her from the chest up over cappuccino
or pasta or drinks sitting at a table across from me looking positively gorgeous straight into my eyes and yearning for connection and profundity and that smile and spontaneous laugh making me want to be the funniest man on earth at that very moment...
other than that
the memory is hazy but for the falling
Of the


Sometimes, late at night
after too much wine
or too much whining
too many decibels
too many hours just plain surviving
I wake in a cold sweat and the only way to fall
back into the comforting shroud only sleeping through dawn can inspire
is to count
...not sheep
not stars
not coins, cars or minutes between the far-off hum of the passing trains
I count words
fragments of the endless conversation we call friendship
That years ago fell into a pattern
a pattern of miles
doubts and white hot indecisiveness
kept at a safe but questioning distance
a conversation that began once
and continued through the ether
soaring through space like the path of human thought
all dream and vision
certainty and hope
faith and passion
belief in the rock solid destiny and kindness and grace
that placed you on a piano bench
and me, head heavy on this pillow
and I count
but for the comforting falling away
the Earth.

-- july 1996

Es Per Rondo

...to be born
...to be fed
...to be torn
...to be bled
...to be changed
...to grow-up
...to be deranged
...to giddy-yup
...for Christmas
...for a sale
...on the Isthmus
...by the rail
...for your birthday
...to be kissed
...'til next Earth Day
...to be missed
...for your touch
...to make love
...for a crutch
...for a glove
...for the answer
...for your turn
...to ask questions
...for to learn
...to bite your breasts
..to taste your skin
..to pass your test
..to let you in
..to sigh a sigh
..to catch your eye
..to see you naked body there before me as I cry
...for you to pinch my meager ass, stroke my gentle arm, touch your tongue to mine, whisper in my ear, lift your sublime porcelain neck to my gliding fingertip,
give me "The Look" when I stare into your eyes with all the love pouring out of my gushing soul like a song born of the desert wind, just give me a bit of your time and passion, love and kindness...your sympathy, trust, respect and care...
...to hear your laughter tickle my ears
...to taste your raspberry heart, your strawberry lips
...to give you the world, one tingle at a time, all the tastes, touches, smells, sounds, sights, places, things, wants, needs, surprises, compliments, advice, insights, bright lights, all the midnights that you can fathom
...to watch you dance
...for my last chance
...to bury my face
in your memory

-- 7/8/96 (this re-edit: 10/24/10)

Two Poets Circle A Rose

The blush of a crimson rose
Born of the wind
Nourished by its passion for life
Splits the dry cantankerous earth
gasping for air
reaching for the pool of sky
petals uplifted in the dawn's yawning light.
She waits
Searching for some sustaining cloudburst
Flaunting her blushing beauty.
Her heavenly scent
teases the wind's feathery wings.

In a cloud of stifling rust-colored dust
The Yammering Dynamic Duo rolls into town
Pants and guards down.
The nearly expired salt lake
gleaming heat wave exhilaration
at these latest of victims --
heat stroke, sun stroke, havin'-too-much-fun stroke
They broke the ego stroke, spoke
and skidded to a stop
The cool, shadow of the long-stemmed rose
Bites her lip and falls across their squinted, blazing
Half-crazed, bloodstained
Poetic eyes --
Four glistening globes of anticipation
Scanning the horizon like re-con soldiers
Two Smart-bomb brainiacs searching the wild hinterlands
the dusty, foxholes of their shared passions
their tousled liquid vision
animal taste for adventure, lust and the Flame.
for the muse.

They tumble, landing in an appropriate pile before her
Scrambling to pull themselves off of each other
with enough finesse to catch her eye; they dove for their pencils,
their sketchbooks, their journals;
dove for their sparking electrical outlets in airy,
scented hotel rooms in various climes,
in small dark piss-smelling rooms,
on embankments,
in church pews,
weed-ridden drive-in movie theatres
deserted all over America's face like lost ideals,
vanquished morals, defeated humanism, faded love;
dove for their cocks to scribble
hard-earned dedication to craft
their teeming, fetid indecipherable scrawls of agony
their glistening chins and in-bred competitive spirits...
shit or shinola...
grit or granola?...
Nothing matters anymore...
don't care about anything...
you snooze, you muse...
all the hits...
i can't help it...
they've grown up writing nonsensical gibberish
aimed at their own egos
aimed at their own hard-ons
aimed at their own needy self-esteem...
write, write, write, write, write, write...RIGHT.

Electric bills soar, typewriters roar
politically incorrect p.c.'s throw their overstuffed similes
and metaphors back at them quicker than the monitor's green glow
can reach their drooling faces...
The pressure of coming up with something real to say
day in
day out
suddenly lifted
by a rose --
by any other name
a miracle
dropped into their billowing laps like a sack of golden moths
saved from the flame
in baited anticipation of flight...

they each grab a satin corner of the bag
and in one brotherly shake
the sky is filled with the barely discernible sound of
thousands of flapping wings
wings of air and lace
flesh and lash
dream and hope.

circling the rose
in opposite directions
the poets
(as they address themselves in mock-serious tones)
nearly collide at every pass
grazing each others' self-image
imprinting each others' energy-field with a shared solidity
equal parts magic, obsession and trust
as they race to capture the rose's essence
on the open page.

-- for 67 days and nights this goes on one morning
on the dry lake bed
home to nothing but wind and dust and ghostdance sound
two circling poets and the blush of a crimson rose.


The poets sit
their once strong legs twisted beneath them
aching arms around each other
a concessional display of confessional withdrawal.
Their lives, lies, ego-centric eccentricities tossed into a pile
tear-stained empty pages
reflecting light from the full moon's mocking
resonance. The desert chill whispers up a breeze.
In this light they see bursting from the distant trail of a shooting star
a widening glistening glow
slowly easing toward them from some heavenly niche in the
horizon's suit of armor.
there is a distinct purring
an angelic fluttering
of what has to be thousands
of luminescent creatures
floating on wing like a neon blanket of mother's tears
bathing them in radiant warmth and the dizzying perfume of
and on the lightest of winds
the soft smile of breath beckons them...

they race to the rose
they each kiss its form with their eyes
they touch its heart with their devotion
the rose cries for more
the rose cries for immortality
the rose cries for lust
for passion
the rose cries for respect
the poets, naked before her
for her mercy --

"Please, let us live without you in our hearts
we cannot be strong enough to love so deeply
to care so completely
to spend our hours wanting only to show your beauty back to you
to nourish and feed and wet your yearning soul with our caring passion
please let us follow the moon away from here
to a place of definition and solid ground
to a place of boredom and predictability
to a world where we can still fool ourselves into believing
that our words are important and not just weak reflections of
the moonlight shining in a drop of dew as it falls
from you
onto our unworthy lips"

she pulls them both into her center
the heart of her character
the essence of her magnitude.
it was easier to draw them in than she expected --
they didn't put up much of a fight:
one came, fast and easy, cock first
toward her...a flash in the night
bouncing her way like a magnetic confident ball of iron
all show of course
but such an exuberant little show
all youthful vigor and confused denial
a wall of carelessness, working hard to incorporate sadness and angst
into his broadening palette
failing to mask the terror of being without her affection, so easy to love,
so hard to be without;

the other, more slowly,
face first
smile full of doubt and tears
surprising himself with his ability to feel anything
to expose his soul so readily
naked wonder of lost identity
poking him awake then jumping back under the cover of night
carrying within his mouth a depth of conscience
deadly only to his fragile self
entwined with a strength of passionate, vulnerable time...
she absorbed him instantly.

Once buried
deep inside her heart
they find gilded streets of heavenly grandeur
paved by their best intentions
swept of their doubting nightmare visions
and graced by their own self-love and its respectful reflection.
They smile at each other
click their heels in a soft thud of naked feet
and soar off
into the rose-tinted sky of dawn's
yawning light.

In the red-dust of morning
Two books lay open catching heat
Pages flutter in the sun, empty but for identical rose petals
tattooed with delicate golden marks left
by butterflies' wings
and in each
a rose-colored inscription reading



One poet
makes a mad dash and plucks the rose from the earth
puts it between his teeth and runs
fast and furious with all the speed and false fearlessness becoming youth.
The rose quivers in his grasp
free at last from her own self-preservation
succumbing to his restless fire
his hidden dependence on her essence.

One poet
raggedly staggers behind
follows at an unsafe distance
always keeping the faint blushing glow of their forward motion
in his vision
around every corner
around every brick wall.
for the call that will never come
crying for the time desperately wasted
cursing fate's dastardly bent sense of humorless spite
but still
for that moment of transcendent beauty
that invisible tickle on his pounding heart
reminders of every lovely thought
every mind-boggling vision of beauty and passion and spirit
he has ever had the luck and good fortune to experience
all his long, twisting life.
All contained in the whisper of a scent
the blush of a desert rose
that sat waiting to inspire
waiting to give her radiant heart
to a wandering
shell of a man
who had forgotten the poet's heart inside.


One poet
The weight of this relentless beauty
this unforgiving perfection
the scent of this glowing, exuberant flower
blossoming in his presence
blooming a richer, darker red in his grasp
overwhelms his unpolished agenda
overruns his still forming vision of himself.
Scared he sets the flower aside
Sweetly trying to recall this exact spot for future reference
He turns to walk away spinning
to look with each step
unsure of his decision
unsure of his direction
unsure of his heart.

One poet, he finds her
alone, staring into the distance
a rose fading in the summer's heat
not responding to her own tenacious strength
watching the horizon
for the shadow of her heart's memory.

He kisses her softly
brushes his tears across her delicate petals
wishes only that he had the right words
the comforting touch
to bring her radiance back to her.
if only he could grab her attention
and for a slow moving moment in time
catch her glance
let her see reflected there in his moist, puddling eyes
let her see the beautiful
perfect blush of a rose that he holds deep within his heart.
If she could only see
beyond the past
before the future tears another soul away
takes another careening life
and instantly leaves nothing but memory.
If she could only see the deepest
burning fire
love's loyal commitment to defeat
sitting there beside her on the dry desert floor
crying tears for their crossing paths
crying tears for their thinnest of moments
crying tears for their happenstance neglect of
each other's powerful spirits
crying tears for two poets
and the blush
of a crimson rose.

~ summer 1996 (re-edited 10/24/10)

The Lock Up

I'm a criminal.
I feel too strongly.
My plea:

They sentenced me to heartbreak.
my prison cell.

Your eyes are my escape...

~ rtr, spontaneous 8/9/96

The Silent Treatment

that's it, huh.
everything is dust.
smiles, rusty
slowly curl at the corners
like old newspaper
holding tightly to yesterday's news
as if to re-read the stories
the names
the crime scenes
the box scores
isn't worth the effort.
as if nostalgia
incoherent sonnets
and informed
by your very breathing of this air
aren't worth their weight in ink.
what was I thinking?
how could I have thought that even
without the passion
the turmoil
the stifling, steaminess
the liberating thoughtfulness
the slow-motion crawl
of time's winking giggle
without the naivety
the blinders
the one-liners
the stone pillars
the telephones, journals,
the soft-pedaled flashing eyes
the little eveyday choices
what to wear, see, say, do, touch, smell, breath, live;
without the flagship "Insanity"
on which I refuse to hang my rain drenched sails
still floating offshore
how could I have thought that
by becoming reasonable, rational, non-confrontational, passive,
unassumingly respectful of the sanctity of your position, acceptant of my fate
the cards dealt to me, the games and argumentary inner turmoil
seized and dealt with and worked on and mulled over and observed and
discussed and set aside and learned from
how could I have thought that that might reassure you
that I would not be some nemesis
some overwrought loser cowering sheepishly in your misunderstood shadow
that life does go on
that sometimes things just are
that it's all right to just sit and watch the wheels spin sometimes
how could I have thought that your memory would be as selective
as your willingness to just look me in the eye
not like you look at a car speeding toward you
a deadline careening your way
a nearly spent hurricane crushed into a heavy breeze
already blown past
spitting nothing but shade upon your coveted sunsplashed earth,
not the way you crinkle your eyes
at a taste gone sour
a light too bright
a thought too painful
but as you look at a photo from the past
a vacation you took when you were a kid
the beaches, the bee stings,
the postcards, the interminable car ride
the laughter always louder than the tears\
"Smiling uses fewer muscles than frowning."

am I that big of an ogre
a dangerous
ranting fool?
am I not just a sponge of emotion?
a bucket of intensity
a spill of overcooked sensitivity?
oh, how silly of me to finally ignore you
you who would never take the plunge into forgiveness
the dive into sustained civility
the break with your fractured mirror
of my selfishness
my failure
my opaque rose-colored glasses.
how could I have thought that
we could
still be

what was I thinking?
that you cared
that you understood
that for a glimmer of an instant
what happens to my heart and soul and mind
strikes a tiny note of compassion
that the way you judge a person's humanity
is somehow weighed in relation to the depth of their feeling
their struggle and desire to overcome their demons
their tendency to offer of their hearts and time and ears
to you when you are needy.
so I guess I either don't measure up
or you could give a fuck.
just something else I must accept.
I ask for nothing
no secrets
no revelations
not even that look
or that skin
or that laugh.
no commitment
no loyalty
no payoff
no gamble or risk.
I just refuse
to allow
you to despise
my memory.
as if I had a choice.
what was I thinking?
look it up.

-- Fall 1996


I live a waking dream
each moment
a truth unseen.
But there she is before me still
as real as evening’s coming thrill

awake where vision strong
each moment
by sleep’s sweet song
and all I feel surrounding me
as real as dreamed lucidity

I sleep and she is there
beside me fingers in her hair
pressed warm and close against me, tight
as dawn to day, dream to night

I live a waking dream
each moment
a truth unseen
and here she is, here safe from harm
a waking dream safe in my arms

What’s that sound of breaking glass?
or shattered hearts
or time that passed
too fast
too soon
too good to last?
What is that sound?

Am I a fool for falling in
your pool of eyes that capture men
to steal their hearts and make them spin.
Am I a fool for falling in?

Was I a fool to just not see
that you could never fall for me
or just a man with hopes and dreams
just wanting love and softer things?
Was I a fool to just not see?

And as a fool, I wait in line
for short, sweet moments that I find
each time your eyes look into mine
so still this fool, he waits in line.

Of course, I just can’t help myself
hope you could want me on your shelf
in spite of all my inner doubts
to sing your praises, shout them out
and so this fool can’t help himself.

I’ll be this fool until I die
for beauty will just catch my eye
and make me hope and dream and cry.
I’ll be this fool until I die.

And as a fool I stand my ground
won’t trade a moment I have found
so while I can, I’ll hang around…
to catch a glimpse, to see you smile
to hear you laugh, to spend a while
to touch your hand, to dream and pray
that maybe once, perhaps someday
I’ll hold you close and feel your skin
against my own and someday when
I’ll taste your lips, so soft and sweet
thank destiny, led us to meet.

In the aftermath
of your confession
I can
of nothing
except the excruciating fact
that we may
together. This
fact alone
my day.

“What would you like?” she said to me with her usual rushed but sweetly genuine smile.
Super white tuna, sliced jalapenos, salmon, wasabi tobiko,
wrapped around
cruncy spicy tuna and more jalapenos.

I realize that I just asked you for “A Kiss of Fire.”
You laugh. “Later”
and giggling
walk on to the next waiting table.
My eyes well up
and burn
the meal

And when I leave town
can I get a picture
Smile pretty
with you
on my arm?
A souvenir
of a heart
that fell

Soon, I’ll be gone. Distant.
Surrounded by loving family.
Seductive waves of lustful adventure
two glorious women on either side of me
caressing my excitement
my neglected years
realized dreams and fantasies.
But amidst these joyous days
not one will go by unscathed
without yearning
for your passing touch
upon my waiting arm
laid across this sticky table
counting the minutes
until you pass again
always saying, “I’ll be right back”
always a soft touch of your fingertips
or if I’m lucky
a sharp, friendly slap on my bicep
when I say some smart or funny remark.
How I love, miss
and long for those sharp, little slaps
wishing for one
right now
right here
right anywhere
wherever I am.

This moment
a realization
that no matter how patient
how slowly we take it
how careful and considered my every move
at this very moment
as you go home to his arms
to your books
your studious nights
that my dreaming is just that,
the void within me cannot be filled
as it has been thus far
with your smiles
glancing touches
quick hello and goodnight hugs
and splattered
half-finished sentences.

In a world of hope
that which seemed enough
Is now just shattered dreams
become real.

But still
with each moment
each look into your eyes,
even if it’s some one-sided connection
I’ve fabricated in my hopeful imagination,
can so change
the definition of beauty and life
as we know it.

And to say I’ve seen something in those eyes
smiling back at me
a blessing
I’ll not soon forget.

When you told me you were spoken for
a boyfriend there behind your door
oh, how my heart crashed to the floor
surprising me
surprising me.

I wondered how I’d spend my time
instead of looking forward to
our fleeting moments so sublime
I wanted you
so wanted you.

Though lovers, two
I hold so close
with tenderness
and lust and love,
it seems my arms desire the most
embracing, open sharing of
impassioned hearts and minds and souls
of those who can observe me whole,
in all my splendid dignity
to hurt no one, creatively.
In you and them
found those who can
embrace this loving
“Renaissance man.”

Not something that I’d call myself
more like “A Dreaming Realist”
expect that where I am, I’ll be,
for bliss and pain, both sides we see.
The zin, the yang; the good, the bad
And so it goes, the happy, sad
In life, in love, in ecstasy
is also sorrow, hurt and we
accept both sides and become free.

So love, at times comes easily
or grabs us when we least expect.
We pray don’t treat love carelessly
enjoy the thrill with deep respect.
It wavers, drifts, ebbs and flows
so we must grab it when it shines.
However long its fire glows
ignoring so much fleeting time.

~ lyrics and poetics inspired by LS

Sunday, June 1, 2008


By Brad Riesau

The Allen Poems

Gregory & Son, City Lights, 1978
Meeting Allen
Beat Beats
Barefoot Tidepool
Whom Love
Bomb Threat
Triple Feature

Special thanks to Robert Hunter for his lifetime of inspiration and encouragement. who first published HALO in his online archives at http://www.hunterarchive/files/Poetry/Halo.html

Thanks to Bill & Anita Thompson, Gary Soto, Chris Jung, Donald Risty, Gale Leach, Karl Keller, Dennis McNally, Nicky Galasso

Originally self-published in a limited edition in 2004. The poems listed above are (c) 1997-2004 Brad Riesau. They have been previously published in Brad's blog at myspace.com/v32unes.

The individual 10 poems indexed above form the collection MEET THE BEATS. You can read individual poems by clicking on the titles above or in the archive sidebar at right.


For Allen Ginsberg 1926-1997

silences the racing mind
races the silenced mind
erases the mindless silence

visionary hard-sell salesman
pumping life into a generation
half dozen beat souls
outlaw spirit quest for belief
Eisenhower optimism tinted red with nuclear fear
pistol-tongue protest whiplash smile
adamant protective absorbency
of all
that was in need of exposure

procured expulsion from American life set boredom
mind peeling candor

Take it
any way
take it, it is yours
it is your hard-earned right.
your right as breathing cell bag
your right as moving bone sack
your right as discerning human torch
as compassionate disillusionment of all that is dreamt
your right as festering, jubiliant earth walker

you're right
as brilliant hopeful realist
incendiary, pessimistic humanist
pharmacological test case miracle baby
as exploding head intellect
drawn from madness
familial sanitarium nightmare cushion,
drawn from edge to filigree edge
booklets filled with archival scrawl
(to someday buy you this waking Heaven in which to die)
redemptive sun thru plate-glass
unlike Moloch-peeping headcase 1948 Blakeian visionscape
fire escape
jerk-off window;
dissimilar to minuscule shuttering doors of perception
shut-eye puking yage tornado vision.
Your legacy:
unflinching, stalwart dedicated memory.

drawn from jazz drench Denver, smoke and Benzedrine clench
'46 Greyhound to New York City
100 mph down streets of callow legs to iron flesh
spirit muse
night embrace life embrace.....
drawn from myriad bound pages
reflecting off ever-present eyeglass frailty.....
Paterson dim night oppressive beauty-madness
red breakdown.

Soaked in inventive creation through fleshy eyeball circuitry:
volumes, sheaths of paper, forests of tree-death magnificence
The Written Page.
words.....sounds to thought to pen to paper to eyeglass eye
brain thought mouth ears
of millions.

touch his hand he lies still
touch his heart he howls always
touch his life burns fingertips infinitely.


As a young man I found his life overwhelming
a life lived in epic proportions
told with a fierce intelligence that shamed me of my trivial learning
told with a lion-hearted courage and fearlessness that cast the deepest of
told with a sweetness of perversity that fondled my own tortured simple-
minded lust
allowing freedom to be a grail of the holiest nature
told with an ease of humor and self-deprecating serious snicker
allowing my humanity to become bearable and graceful in its infancy.


Today, I circle the rose
He rose from his circle
devilish, bearded cherubim
without whom
worship muse
delicate abandon
without whom.....

were it not for your seduction of language
your explosion of promotion of rebellious like-minds
vast, loyal dedication to the proliferation of free
free the shackled chains of your cronies' lost sentences
free butcher-paper novelization spiel
free dream cinema blown-up close-up rise-up screaming portraits
of your small circle of friends, lovers, muse
begat legend (in your minds) erased dungeons (in our minds)
beat ghat
beat at bows of rebellious arbor, bows of religious ardor
begat dylan bohemian pot hip nudist hippie peace-nik mantra punk
anything but hope
craving on

may dictation serve the hopeless
May Day station swerve the blindness
meditation curve the sublimeless.

smoke clears Hoffman of all charges
charges fire
flower-petal war gag
Nations burn, Nixon free
gag chokes national hypnosis.....split-second glimmer:
rings infernal
hope rings.

(causes, he pauses
help a man cut his losses)


infinite honesty.
infinite wisdom.
infinite jism.
infinite space in one's skull
fill the chasm
relentless search for the "more"-gasm.....
man's search for the better broomstick
bottomless cup of joe
the better slogan, the faster dupe, the cleaner whistle
the tastier morsel, the harder cock, the bigger payoff,
the catchier chorus, deeper commitment, more convincing lie,
the truer-ism.
man's search of what's left, what is right

to "accept madness, approve unconvention."
reflections bounce off sparkling moments. clicks of the stopwatch.
breaths in an ear. tears on a casket.
birth of morning.
words on paper, words in souls, memory.
the grand attraction of the breaking of rules.

If "Butler has no balls" then who ousted who?
Dirty windows signal breakthrough
letting "imagination go.....
open secrecy.....
scribble(d) magic lines from real mind"

Herbert's heisted hoodlum magic
Bull Lee, Solomon, Gregory yammer
Times Square cafeteria showdown
Levinsky, Stofsky, Alvah Goldbook,
Carlo lambastes Pokerino
Jean Louis staggers
Chianti glare his eye.

Six @ Six
"when poetry went public"
espousing the literature of risk
the widening circle of kicks
kickstart the heart of spoken expression
kickstart the soul of a slumbering nation
kicksmart the whole of a head's constant repression


in a small town in Pennsylvania a patriot, leader of men
buyer/seller of the American Dream
draws record crowds to the Moreland Funeral Home
Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, Boy Scout Oath, Taps.
This screwball loved by all
disciplinarian, humble good-deeder
His ashes last wished into an over-sized Pepsi can
and buried on his father's chest.

two days later
"legendary poet Allen Ginsberg died
among friends at home in New York City....."
diagnosis gives in to coma gives in to breathless peace
gives in to bones
again, memory.
"and you die when you die.....OMMMMMM....."

Those poor Heaven's Gate folks were mistaken
too late to unpack their bags
redeem their Nike receipts
return their movie advance.....

this comet comes for the sentient soul of a curly black halo.

~ April 5-6, 1997

Gregory & Son, City Lights 1978

exaggerated doom walk
thru aisle of paperbacks
Beat up racks of verbiage and criticism
Poetic liquid generational ramble.
He crawled in upright,
towhead blond boy,
dirty faced,
on his shoulders.
Kid’s hands full of his greasy, grey streaked
fright wig mussed up head o’ hair
in tiny filthy fists
holding on for the ride
wide smile

You know why I’m here...”
Patrons turn to stare eyes squinting in question
Wondering, “Who is this madman?”
Those in close, precarious proximity
keep faces buried in books
pretend to not notice
try not to provoke.
“LAAARRRRRRY, I know you’re UP there…”

Careening past oversize, trade bound books
on tables, on make-shift easels
Swallowing the Eastern Philosophy aisle whole
with one grand swoop
he throws his right arm to the ceiling
“LARRY. Come down from there. I’m coming up. LAAARRY.
Come on, man. You can’t fool me. We all can feel you, man...
NOW!” demanding.
“You need to hear me out…

a pink, bald sun over the edge of balcony rail
the voice precedes the forehead momentarily
followed by the peaceful eyes
staring right at the spot below from whence the cries come
“Come back later, Gregory
I’m busy.”

“Don’t Larry. You’re fuckin’ with me…”
“Bye Gregory. I’ll see you later.”
With that he was gone
but for the smell
of gasoline.

I ask the clerk, who has rung up infamously scandalous
beautifully inappropriate, disproportionately controversial
abundantly righteous literary fodder at this very counter for years,
“Was that who I think it was?”

“For the time being,” he whispered.

- for Pauli & Katie
and Gregory Corso (1930-2001)


“Our poet” --
claim him for us
For our misaligned, misunderstood, miserable and beautifully hopeful
picture-postcard-moment-in time generation
For our off-kilter memory of eyes
mirroring heat stroke desperation for more.

He’s ours
Infinite sensation of vision
never again ring so true
a fragmented snapshot
in death
like all great art
(a spontaneous smile)
reflect something past and gone
tint memory, readjust history,
resonant in its moment of creation.

Our poet sings
last poet of the 20th Century
last hurrah, love drenched farewell
last shot, near-empty clip
last bloody insurrection of tender yearning
his words float over nostalgic crowd,
smoke haze
up concrete steps through ears
directly into aging heart.
Capillaries flex, adrenaline rush, instant recall
memory to myth
front lawn tears, bottom lip seduction, raised on elbows of night’s shadow
under darkened night light floorboard glow
huddled over book of words.
Look of swords
sung to you
as teacher to open-eared student
as lover to open-pored possibility sponge
as singer to song
you sing along
unafraid to expose your unknown voice,
voice of showers
voice of long car ride solitude
early morning greet-the-day
late night prayer.
Your voice saved for me at that instant
which in another of its masks
teaches frailty of words
language as naïve, manipulative tool
language weapon
words as healing talisman of illusion
daily poesy, dream grasp fulfillment
balm cures woes
the wind up and the pitch.

Catch them on the air this night
Catch them, hold them inside tight
entwined, all dusty ancient words
shared history
pull essence from their outward form
peel the me from the it,
for the you
unwrap the purity, surround heart with intention.
Catch my words through his.

On the air
This night
gather your memories and stir.

Meeting Allen

Fell in love with the man
Only met him once
Fell in love with his words
His life
His words were his life
Were his actions
His words
Were his life.
His friends, his travels, his moods
fears, deaths, births
fucks, tears, inadequacies, extraordinary
intellect, humor, passion, naiveté
words were his life were his journeys were his loves
Fell in love with the man
I only met once
After he sang off-key
pinched nose moan
read, bespectacled
his words to me. His life set to dance
faux operatic
rounds of rhythm and subtle movement
like his life never was
not subtle for one sweet moment
voice floating on years
up to our moist ears
balconied seats where lovers once
fondled each other
now filled by hipster intellectuals and yearning
and beautiful wanna-beats
word whores, honesty junkies
Buddhist princes
From there, I saw not his rumpled suit or whitened walls
his black pool palsied eye hidden by reflected spotlight
his crooked tie nor dingy loafers
I saw his words rise like the breath of Lazurus
cloudy clarity, smoky sunlight sunflower vortex howling automobile screech
cantor’s voice of reassuring questioning
speculative surety
fearless terror.

by famous
idiosyncratic serial composer
joke compositions
like words
no punch line but candor
honesty the set-up
repetition the mantra
living the spiel.

Met over huge buffet, eye high
swirling piles of color
shaped shiny like fruits and wax veggies
bread and mountainous fish
cheeses, candles, garnishes green and purple
“Nice spread,” I said after circling.
His gaze never lifting from squishy hill
before him
plucking, prodding, choosing, rejecting
inspecting closely through smeared lenses
“That is usually my line,” he replied
poking at a kiwi with a crooked finger.

Beat Beats

I don’t digs peoples who don’t digs beats
Beats is what this poor boy eats

Ginsberg, Corso, Kerouac
Bop at Freda’s Chicken Shack
Krupa, Elvin, Roy and Klook
Ferlinghetti, Kaufman, Steal This Book
Dr. Dre, Grandmaster Flash,
gamelan, reggae mon, cymbal crash
P-Funk, Stubblefield, Modileste,
Al Jackson in the groove wit Booker T.
celebration, masturbation, heartbeat hat
rimshot, bomb drop, ratta-tat-tat
DeJohnette, Roach and Blade and Tain, uh
the Messenger Blakey aka Buhaina
Dunbar, Barrett, rasta skank
Cobham and Rich lay it down like a tank

I don’t digs peoples who don’t digs beats
Beats is what this poor boy eats

Barefoot Tidepool

Marine life
living swimmingly
coaxing islands to the shore

- for Gary Snyder


red-tailed missile
childhood nightmare
the record:
wolf in the shadows

Whom Love

(after Ginsberg)

Whom love?
He loved her!
Whom love?
He loved her!
Whom love?
He loved her!
Whom love?
He loved her!

Whom love?
We loved her!
Whom love?
We loved her!
Whom love?
You loved her!
Whom love?
You loved her!

Who do we love?
Who does she love?
Who do we love?
Who does she love?
Who do we love?
Who does she love?
Who do we love?
Who does she love?

Who do we love?
You love! You love them!
Who do we love?
You love! You love them!
Who do we love?
We love! We love you!
Who do we love?
You love! You love you!

Whom love?
We love you!
Whom love?
We love you!
Whom love?
You love you!
Whom love?
You love you!

Whydja love?
We didn't wanna love!
Whydja love?
We didn't wanna love!
Whydja love?
You didn't wanna love!
Whydja love?
You didn't wanna love!

Who said love?
Who said we hadda love?
Who said love?
Who said we hadda love?
Who said love?
Who said you hadda love?
Who said love?
Who said you hadda love?

Who wantsa love?
We wanna love!
Who wantsa love?
We wanna love!
Who wantsa love?
We wanna love!
We wanna
We wanna
We wanna love!

Who wanted ta love?
Somebody musta wanted ta love!
Who wanted ta love?
Somebody musta wanted ta love!
Who wanted ta love?
Somebody musta wanted ta love!
Who wanted ta love?
Somebody musta wanted ta love!

They wanted ta love!
They needed ta love!
They wanted ta love!
They needed ta love!
They wanted ta love!
They needed ta love!
They wanted ta love!
They needed ta love!

They thought they hadda love!
They thought they hadda love!
They thought they hadda love!
They thought they hadda love!

He said he hadda love!
She said he better love!
He said he hadda love!
She said he better love!
He said he hadda love!
She said he better love!
He said he hadda love!
She said he better love!

What did she say he better love for?
What did she say he better love for?
What did she say he better love for?
What did she say he better love for?

Hadda get ridda him with a love!
Hadda get ridda him with a love!
Hadda get ridda him with a love!
Hadda get ridda him with a love!

He's still there building a love!
He's still there building a love!
He's still there building a love!
He's still there building a love!

Perserverance did the job
Love & M'love Love & M'love
Perserverance did the job
Love & M'love Love & M'love

Love & M'love Love & M'love
Perserverance did the job
Love & M'love Love & M'love
Perserverance did the job

Play at love for the mob
Love & M'love Love & M'love
Play at love for the mob
Love & M'love Love & M'love

Love & M'love Love & M'love
Love M'love Love M'love
Love & M'love Love & M'love
Love M'love Love M'love

Love M'love Love M'love
Love M'love Love M'love
Love M'love Love M'love
Love M'love Love M'love

Bradley says Love & M'love
Perserverance did the job

- 8/15/97 inspired by Allen Ginsberg's "Hüm Bomb"

Bomb Threat

"Grew up
with missile consciousness
grew up
with American Dream."

oh, to be your tortured soul
your squinting eye at life's obsessions
trusting first thought 1st impression
wanting only to be

- for Allen, 9/17/97

Triple Feature

the search is on. Water flows down hill. Blood pumps thru
open time to tone the body and feed the soul miles of vein, artery, capillary
futures. for the impossible tumble towards the flickering flame
Odd that has created just enough motion planets orbit
I'd thought just enough friction suns. Rain falls from the sky.
I was past all that. to spur a bit of forward movement Isaac Newton
Somehow Forward towards something rubs bump on his head, enjoys a fine
presumed I was the "whatever," "whomever," "wherever," snack amidst
settled into life fill the void. brainstorm. I watch as she
cross-country uprooting scrapes her cuticles away with
years void, hole, emptiness, space, a one-sided razor blade
behind me, or so they'd have you believe. Just last month
The precipice beckons after 40 years of trimming
grants wings to the brave and clipping and ripping
the foolish sanding, harnessing 20 nails, toe and
the young. finger I was slapped awake by the
I am a loner confounding realization
The echo crosses who hates to be by myself that the entire
the chasm like the heart-warming brass call of the dinner bell
across though being by myself doesn't bother me nail grows
the fields (contradiction is the norm) not just the tip. I
come, dive, fly as long as the acceptance of the fact watched
whatever happened that I have an option a divet I'd furrowed
to the thrillseeker to not be a long time into my right
open-minded try-anything-once wide-eyed mystery chaser alone fuck you finger-
The jolt of freedom finally so is present. nail ease
frightening it's way from it's birthplace out lemming-
security, boredom, complacency like over the edge.
so cherished. and gone. I guess I'm one of the lucky
so clung to that call of the unknown ones to
the deep, dark, intriguing mystery have never lost
finally ripped from Van Winkel-esque numbness a whole
pierces the ear like that first note nail and had the
February 1964. Sunday night. joy of wonder minus
Your humanity spread out before you like a field on fire. the pain.

6/6/97 for William S. Burroughs (1914-1997)